Hey fellow bloggers, Hannah here, Saff asked me to do a guest post so here it is!...(although maybe a bit overdue....hehe... :-p)
By the way, i have a blog, please check it out ~My blog :)~
In the olden days...(back in primary school) my idea of friends was nothing compared to what I've got now, what i'd give to have someone back then to help me, support me, tell me what I'm worth would of been a 'God-send'! I used to go home after school, cry into my pillow, wondering why my friends we're using me, hurting me. Truthly i wouldnt have gotten through that with out, my teddy, my mum, and most importantly God!

Winnie the Pooh! Aww such a classic! ;)

Recently i've been really upset about me...i hated myself, thought i wasnt good enough, I was texting Saff and just before I told her I was feeling low she sent a picture with a bible verse on it, 'always pray and never give up' (Luke 18:1). It makes me smile that God has thought of a solution even before he knew we're upset!
I told her though, and I think i acted like a kid who hasnt got their own way, I didnt fully take in what she said because i was upset and confused. Which was like not the best the option, but my friend stood by me, because she is awesome! And we've got the fire of God, ~quote-why be upset by these little things, we've got the fire of God, he is pure amazing!~
Sorry that i rambled on a bit! What im trying to say is that my friends have been a big part of my life and they are important to me, love you guys ~Saff, Zezi,Zani,Zsara~ thanks for sticking by me, and just being pure amazing! XD
Well thats it, thanks Saff for letting me write on your blog, hehe! byeeee
Believe in yourself
pass it on
(because your beautiful)!
Hannah xx
Yay sweet post! Thanks! <3