"Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes." - Carl Jung
...how that quote and this picture are related i don't know, but hey, i like it.
This morning i got up nice and early and... ok, no i didn't, i got up a little too late, but ah well. Yesterday i finished college for a week, so i've got all this spare time ahaead of me and...i don't have any plans yet..doh. I guess the weather spoils my chance of doing anything awesome. Here in England love, we don't get amazing sun and warmth, even in the summer, we have a little heat wave and then soon it's gone and back to cold and rain. Nice, i need to move away to somewhere hot, yes, must do that, one day.
Anyway, so, i feel as though i'm kinda loosing the knack in blogging, i used to wake up with ideas of things to write about on here everyday, now i don't, i think i've lost it... so, you readers, i'm asking you to tell me what you want to hear, read, see, know. What do you want to know about me? More about me personally, or my family, or my walk with God, or thoughts, or more randomness, or stories, my interests, trips, my life itself? My mind is fogged up, tell me what you want it to share. Thank you!
Now i'll go drink some tea, maybe eat too many gummy bears and dance around in front of the t.v to annoy my sisters :-P
I'd love to know more about you, what your interests are, things you enjoy, etc. :)